Dental Implants, Specialist Periodontist and Restorative Dentist – Leeds Ilkley Yorkshire

Specialist Dental Treatment

Restorative and Periodontal Specialist

Leeds and Ilkley, West Yorkshire

Expert Dental Advice

You can expect a professional, honest and caring approach to your dental treatment. Dr James Chesterman is an expert in complex dentistry, gum problems and dental implants. He will work with you to manage your dental concerns and help you to gain that confident smile.

Dr James Chesterman

James is a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the Leeds Dental Institute treating patients with complex dental problems such as dental trauma and toothwear. James is the lead clinician in periodontal services. He is a registered specialist in restorative dentistry and periodontics which includes the provision of dental implants.

Specialist Dental Treatments

Restorative dental treatment aims to preserve your natural teeth and replace teeth you may have lost. Periodontal treatment involves the treatment of gum disease and correction of recession or excess gum. Dental Implants can be an excellent way to replace missing teeth to restore your smile.